JAMMU: Jammu and Kashmir Congress president Vikar Rasool Wani said the BJP and its workers are resorting to "hooliganism" on the streets after "failing" to effectively negotiate with Leader of the Opposition (LOP) in Parliament Rahul Gandhi. Have been.

Wani on Thursday evening reviewed the party's activities in the Jammu region and urged party workers to be prepared for the upcoming elections and defeat the "anti-people, anti-youth, anti-student and anti-farmer" policies of the BJP regime. ,

Wani said, "BJP cannot face Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi and Congress in parliamentary debates, so they are resorting to street hooliganism. They avoid debate and dialogue in a democracy and prefer cheap publicity tactics. "

He said the Congress is ready to take on the BJP democratically and defeat its "divisive politics" in the upcoming elections. Wani criticized the BJP for allegedly exploiting emotional issues for vote-bank politics.

He directed party officials to educate the public about the BJP's "communal agenda" and counter "divisive and separatist forces". Wani praised the people of Jammu for maintaining communal harmony despite the provocations.