Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], BJP MLA Balmukund Acharya on Thursday met the Jaipur Police Commissioner, claiming that he has been receiving death threats on social media for the last five months. Speaking to ANI, Balmukund Acharya said, "I have been receiving countless threats on social media for the last five months, sometimes of shooting at the intersection and sometimes of cutting my hair and fingers. I am not afraid, I am aware, that is why he has complained to the Police Commissioner, he said, "I have no fear because law and order is being followed and the police officers are fully active." And hence there is no such thing as fear. Being a conscious citizen of the country, it is my responsibility to report people with such behavior and mentality. The BJP MLA said that he has submitted a letter to the Police Commissioner and given a statement. Balmukund Acharya said, “I have also submitted the previous comments.” Meanwhile, some unidentified person wrote slogans of 'Pakistan Zindabad' and 'Punja Mukt' on the walls in Jaipur's Chowra Rasta and posted it on social media.
However, after posting the video the MLA himself started receiving death threats. He met the Jaipur Police Commissioner on May 30 and demanded strict action against the accused in this case. Demanding immediate arrest of the accused, Acharya said, "Such slogans were written at four-five places on the walls. Now the police will check the cameras installed near the bank and identify the accused behind this."