The study, led by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the US, said endoscopic procedures that produce smoke include a procedure that uses an electric current to remove polyps.

"Surgeons have rules and guidelines to minimize smoke exposure in the operating room, but these do not exist for gastrointestinal endoscopy," said lead author Trent Walradt of Tsai, a research fellow at Brigham.

Chris Thompson, director of endoscopy, said, "If you're doing four or five procedures a day, then smoking five cigarettes a day over the course of a week, it's like you're smoking a pack of cigarettes. It's is not acceptable." Brigham is the principal investigator of the study.

The team evaluated gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures that generate smoke such as procedures to stop bleeding, reduce the size of the opening of the small intestine after gastric bypass, or remove cancerous and cancerous polyps near the muscle.

The results showed that peak levels of volatile organic compounds during these processes reached twice the maximum safe level set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Elevated levels of ultrafine particles and fine respirable particles smaller than 2.5 micrometres were found during all procedures, with the highest average levels found during argon plasma deposition.
(Burn) and remove the tissue.

The findings will be presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2024 in Washington, DC