According to the 'Global Offshore Wind Report 2024', this anticipated growth will be driven by the arrival of the next wave of offshore wind markets such as Australia, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Ireland, India and Poland. ,

Most of the capacity additions will occur at the end of the decade, with two-thirds installed between 2029 and 2033.

The report notes that this rapid expansion of deployment should be based on increased collaboration between industry and government and the creation of streamlined and effective policy and regulatory frameworks.

CEO Ben Backwell said, “Policy progress – particularly in the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas – has us poised to regularly set record-breaking annual capacity and exceed the 380 GW target set by the Global Offshore Wind Alliance. Have done." , Global Wind Energy Council.

This means offshore wind is on track to achieve the triple ambition set at COP28 in Dubai, he said. In 2023, despite the macroeconomic challenges facing the sector in some key markets, the wind industry installed 10.8 GW of new offshore wind capacity, bringing the global total to 75.2 GW. New capacity grew 24 percent last year, a growth rate the Global Wind Energy Council expects to continue through 2030 if the current increase in policy momentum continues.

Chief Strategy Rebecca Williams said, "Governments around the world are choosing offshore wind energy for their people and their economies. We have reached the point in mature markets where the technology is now more affordable to households than traditional energy sources. The ability to save has been proven." Officer-Offshore Wind, GWEC.