New Delhi [India], After Delhi LG VK Saxena's comment on CM Arvind Kejriwal in the case of Swati Malliwal's alleged attack, Aam Aadmi Party said that Saxena's statement proves that Swati Maliwal is working for BJP. AAP issued a statement saying, "LG's statement proves that Swati Maliwal is working for BJP. BJP is hatching a new conspiracy every day during the elections - sometimes liquor scam, sometimes Swati Maliwal, sometimes foreigners." BJP will adopt new tactics every day during elections. Earlier today, LG Saxena said that Modi ji is losing his boat by Aam Aadmi Party. Expressed concern over the sheer suffering he endured, describing in detail his traumatic experience, and the subsequent intimidation and embarrassment inflicted upon him by his own colleagues. Also expressed concern over the report. Although Maliwal has been vocal, hostile and clearly biased towards me and my office, often criticizing me inappropriately, any physical violence and harassment inflicted on her is inexcusable and unacceptable. Is," the Lieutenant Governor said. He further said that the Chief Minister is being evasive and doubtful on the matter “I had hoped that, at least for the sake of propriety, my CM would give a clean statement, instead of being evasive and doubtful.His deafening silence speaks volumes about his stance on women's safety.'' He said, ''Saxena said that if such an incident had happened at the residence of any other Chief Minister, it would have tarnished the image of the country. "There is an absence of any outcry" "Delhi is the national capital and home to the entire diplomatic community from around the world. Such shameful incidents and insensitive and contemptuous government response to the issue of women's safety tarnish India's image across the world. If such an incident had happened at the residence of any other Chief Minister of the country, external forces with vested interests, hostile to India, would have spread a sharp global narrative about women's safety in India," the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said in the Rajya Sabha. said in.MP Swati Maliwal has accused party chief Arvind Kejriwal's former personal secretary Vibhav Kumar of assaulting her at the Chief Minister's residence. Vibhav Kumar filed a counter-complaint with the police on Friday, accusing Maliwal of 'unauthorized entry' into the CM's Civil Lines residence. Meanwhile, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed to probe the Swati Maliwal case, led by North Delhi Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Anjita Chepyala. The SIT also includes inspector rank officers, including Officials from the Civil Lines police station where the case was registered are also involved.