Bengaluru, Infosys Science Foundation (ISF) on Wednesday announced that it is taking its 'Infosys Prize' in a new direction, transforming from a mid-career award to an early-career award, with winners The upper age limit has been revised to 40 years. 50.

It says this is being done with the aim of rewarding potential and recognizing the promise of future achievement.

In furtherance of its objective of promoting collaboration and outreach, ISF said, I now require all winners who are resident outside India at the time of winning the award to spend time in Indian institutions of their choice.

It said, winners who are not in India will be requested to spend 30 days (in a maximum of two visits) at a host institution in India to build networks and promote interactions with research groups here.

ISF hopes that these initial collaborations can turn into mutually beneficial long-term partnerships.ISF said the categories that the Infosys Awards recognize will largely remain the same. However, economics will now be a separate category. Earlier it was provided under the Social Sciences category.

From 2024, the six categories in which the Infosys Prize will be awarded are Economics, Engineering and Computer Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Physical Sciences.

The Infosys Awards are presented by ISF, a non-profit trust established in 2009.Big, Gopalakrishnan said.

Infosys co-founder and ISF trustee NR Narayana Murthy said: "We saw some of the most important inventions in the STEM sector came from people in their 20s and 30s... so both within India and outside India After the look, when the trustees felt – and certainly in discussion with the jury, we felt that as an innovative and progressive organization we would take advantage of all the wonderful things happening in the current model, an experiment with do.

In this context, he cited the examples of Alan Turing and Subramaniam Chandrasekhar among other great people who achieved excellence at a young age.