Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Both the Nifty-50 index and Sensex have fallen about 3 per cent in the last week, while the mid-cap index has fallen by 3.9 per cent. The Indian market is under constant selling pressure from investors, due to which a lot of ups and downs have been seen in the last week. In contrast, global markets maintained their uptrend, with Brazil, Germany and the US emerging as the top performing markets. Experts attribute this disparity to apprehensions about the upcoming elections, which is forcing investors to adopt a cautious approach. According to banking and markets expert Ajay Bagga, "Given over 9 crore voters, of whom around 62-64 crore will vote, and over 100 crore people polling every day, it is logical that the June 4 elections There will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion around the results.Bagga further said, “India VIX, which tries to reflect the volatility in Indian markets, has increased by more than 67 percent in the last 12 days. The level of 19 means that Nifty is +/ - May remain in the range of 19 percent. This is still not that high, as India VIX was at 3 plus in the elections on June 4. We expect India VIX to rise further in the counting of votes on June 4. During the last week, all sectoral indices except Auto and FMCG witnessed a decline on week-on-week basis.Sectors like Capital Goods, Consumer Durables Oil & Gas, Realty, Power and Bank Nifty were the biggest losers, falling between 2 to 4 per cent. In contrast, Auto and FMCG sectors witnessed marginal gains during the same period. Furthermore, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) were net sellers, while domestic institutional investors (DIIs) were net buyers. "Major global indices including Nifty50 are trading at all-time highs with some gains driven by changes in the interest rate outlook." The booking with the upcoming Lok Sabha elections has pushed market participants towards a cautious mindset." He said, "The IndiaVix domestic volatility index has jumped from a low of 10 to a multi-month high of 18, which is being interpreted by broader market participants as Indicating higher risk levels,” said Saha Agarwal, senior vice president, derivatives research, Kotak Securities.Oil prices continued to rise for the third consecutive day in Friday's trading session, supported by key technical levels in the market.