Supriya Das Dutta from Tripura, Kunuku Hema Kumari from Andhra Pradesh, Neeru Yadav from Rajasthan shared their experiences and innovations in advancing localization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in public administration and multiple thematic areas.

These ranged from tackling child marriage to promoting health, education, livelihood opportunities and environmental sustainability.

All three exemplified the transformative power of grassroots leadership and expressed the challenges and struggles they faced in their leadership journey.

The Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj jointly organized an additional event at the United Nations Headquarters Secretariat Building in New York in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj profiled the event and highlighted India's unique Panchayati Raj system as a symbol of decentralized power and rigorous democracy that facilitates active people's participation.With over 14 lakh elected women representatives, India's journey with the Panchayati Raj system is a story of empowerment, inclusion, progress, especially highlighting the progress made in women leadership, she said.

Ambassador Kamboj also emphasized the careful alignment of local planning processes with the SDGs, with a special focus on addressing women's issues.

Vivek Bhardwaj, Secretary in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, said that empowering women at the grassroots level is playing an important role in the progress of India.

He also highlighted the innovative approach adopted by Panchayati Ra institutions in leveraging technology for development and policy interventions to ensure economic empowerment, citing examples such as the 'Drone Didi' and 'Lakhpati Didi' initiatives of the Central Government.

UNFPA representatives, including Andreas Loevold, Deputy Permanent Representative of Norway to the UN, and Pio Smith, UNFPA Regional Director for Asia Pacific, were keynote speakers at the event.