Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], May 17: Ajaz Khan, a staunch supporter of the deprived and marginalized communities, hosted his first public meeting, marking an important milestone in his journey as a beacon for justice and equality. It is a stone. The event was a powerful platform where long-ignored voices resonated loudly, demanding attention, representation and meaningful change. It was a thought-provoking and inspiring event, featuring powerful speeches, personality testimonials and calls to action.

In a world where the voices of the marginalized are often suppressed or dismissed, Ajaz Khan stands as a powerful advocate, challenging the status quo and advocating for a more just and equitable society. Through his gathering, he wants to mobilize support for the most vulnerable members of our community and ensure that their stories are not only heard but also acted upon.

“Every voice matters, especially those that have been silenced for too long. The OU gathering is not just a gathering, it is a testament to the resilient power of unity and an unwavering commitment to justice for all”, says Ajaz Khan.
