The actor said that he likes to have a balanced diet, which includes high protein, high fiber carbs and healthy fats.

"I include a lot of vegetables and superfoods in my diet," the actor told IANS.

The actor said that during summers, given the humidity and heat in Mumbai, he likes to increase his fluid intake to maintain electrolyte balance, he does this mainly by consuming coconut water and fresh lemon water.

“I increase my fluid intake, especially electrolytes. So, I mix coconut water, fresh lemon water and other sources to keep myself hydrated. Anyway, green salad is a must which I eat throughout the year,” he said.

When asked about the one thing he could eat seven days a week, he said, "Good old chicken".

Talking about his workout routine, Ishwak told IANS, “I do a lot of things but weight training remains at the center of it all. At the moment, I'm not lifting much weight so I'm doing a combination of circuit training and split system training, focusing on strength and endurance with some cardio. I call it the Bruce Le Routine, it keeps me lean and super fit.

The actor loves to enjoy a cheat meal once in a blue moon, but then he is also careful not to succumb to this temptation.

“I want different foods and sweets. Sometimes it's ice cream, large chocolate brownies or truffle cake. But still I don't succumb to it, even my cheat meals are healthy. For taste, I occasionally add white butter to my meals and I am satisfied. I like home-cooked food,” said the actor.