Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee, who is currently busy promoting his upcoming film 'Bhaiya Ji', shared details about his rigorous preparation for the action-packed role. The actor is known for his roles in Shool, Gangs. Others including Jora from Wasseypur told that he has done 98 percent of the stunts in the film. In an interview with ANI, Bajpayee said, "I proudly say that I have done 98 percent of the stunts in the film myself... and it was a dream of our action director S Vijayan and my director Apoorva Singh Karki to let me do that. Let it be done." He. “It will be very exciting for audiences like me when they realize that I have done all the work myself. Talking more about the film, the actor revealed that the story revolves around the relationship between step brothers. "There was a time when people were involved in this. People from Mumbai used to call people from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar as bhaiya... I am from Bihar and grew up here and everyone calls me bhaiya ji... This story That's what Step Bhai is all about. He's carrying forward the spirit of family...there was larger than life action in the 70s films,' he said. Directed by Apoorva Singh Karki: 'Bhaiya Ji'. 100th film. Produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Shail Oswal, Shabana Raza Bajpayee and written by Deepak Kingrani, the release date has been fixed for 24th May.