Guwahati, AIUDF chief Badruddin Ajmal has said that he will approach the Supreme Court against the Assam government's decision to close state-run madrassas.

The sitting MP from Dhubri expressed hope that the apex court will order the reopening of all closed madrassas in Assam.

"The UP government announced the closure of madrassas and later the Supreme Court condemned it. In this context, we will go to the Supreme Court and take orders from there," Ajmal told reporters on the sidelines of an election campaign meeting on Tuesday. ,

In December last year, 1,281 upper primary middle English (ME) madrassas across Assam were converted into general ME schools.

Earlier in April 2021, all 610 state-run madrassas under the Madrassa Board were converted into upper primary, higher and higher secondary schools with changes in the status, salaries, allowances and service conditions of teaching non-teaching staff. .

In December 2020, the Assam Madrassa Education (Provincialization) Act, 1995 and the Assam Madrassa Education (Provincialization of Services of Staff and Reorganization of Madrassa Educational Institutions) Act, 2018 were repealed.

This move by the first BJP-led Assam government paved the way for closing all state-funded madrassas and converting them into general schools.