Patna (Bihar) [India], Defense Minister Rajnat Singh on Wednesday said that for the first time since independence, the Modi government has brought 25 crore people out of poverty. Addressing a public meeting in Patna, he also accused the India Bloc leaders of misleading the country. Rajnath Singh said, "I have seen the rule of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Manmohan Singh. All of them claimed to end poverty after coming to power, but poverty never ended. For the first time after independence, Narendra Modi government has been successful in bringing 25 crore people out of poverty. The world believes that India is the fastest growing economy...India's stature has increased on the international stage. ...'' Senior BJP leader said, ''Opposition leaders are misleading the country, accusing us of doing Hindu-Muslim politics. We will take any section of the society with us... They have no real issues... They want to gain support by misleading the public... He said, "Five countries have adopted Prime Minister Narendra Modi as their Given top honors, Singh, while addressing four election meetings in Bihar in the last phase of Lok Sabha elections, said, "We do politics not to form the government but to build the country." This is to build the self-respect, respect and prestige of the country.'' There were frequent terrorist incidents during the Congress rule. Now this rarely happens. Counting of votes and results in eight states and union territories will be declared on June 4.