Warwan Festival Extravaganza

Warwan Festival Extravaganza

Warwan Festival Extravaganza
Experience the richness of Warwan Valley's culture at the Festival Extravaganza.


Apr 24, 2024 at 12:00 AM


11:59 PM


  • Cultural celebration Warwan Valley spotlight Music, dance, food, crafts
The Warwan Festival Extravaganza, organized by the Directorate of Tourism Jammu in collaboration with the District Administration, Kishtwar, is set to take place on the 23rd and 24th of September, 2023. This event aims to showcase and promote the hidden gem that is Warwan. To reach Warwan, one can take the fair weather road from Kishtwar via Sinthan Pass to Daksum, crossing the Margan Pass at an elevation of 3700 meters above sea level. Alongside the river Mariv Soder, there are beautiful pastures and meadows that provide ideal camping spots. The Warwan river valley is a dream destination for nature lovers, offering lush green forests, expansive meadows, breathtaking waterfalls, majestic cedar trees, captivating landscapes, and scenic mountains. Adventure enthusiasts can indulge in once-in-a-lifetime experiences, such as horse riding across the verdant meadows and angling in the Marusudar river, also known as the Warwan river, which is a tributary of the Chenab river. The festival also features a local food festival, where visitors can savor Kishtwari Gucchi, a wild mushroom grown in the Himalayan region, along with Kishtwari saffron rice and locally grown Rajma. Additionally, participants can enjoy a Heritage Walk to explore the marvels of nature and witness the local Kud dance forms, which are integral components of this festival.



The Warwan Festival is organized to celebrate and promote the cultural heritage of the Warwan Valley, showcasing its music, dance, food, and crafts to attendees.

Event information

Warwan Festival Extravaganza
Organizer Organizer
Department of Tourism, J&K
Added by
Events Manager
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